Where to shop for good boat building products, and good deals
Small boat fittings, sails, epoxy resins and all sorts of useful stuff
Although located in the USA the prices for fittings at Duckworks Boat Builder’s Supply is so competitive that in many cases they can land your product anywhere in the world cheaper than your local supplier. Check them out. Good People, good gear, reliable and quick.
Plywood, epoxy resins, paints, fibreglass cloth and fastenings
Here in NZ its not hard to find a supplier of marine plywood in main centres, but sometimes the prices are enough to make your eyes water. So, heres the deal.
Plyman, at this link www.plyman.co.nz have two branches in Auckland. John runs the one at Albany, and Paul the one at Henderson. Johns the boss, so where you have a choice talk to him first and tell him I said to twist his arm on the price. He’ll probably laugh and tell you that he will sort me out next time he sees me, but you’ll get a good deal.
If you ask to purchase on my (John Welsford) cash account you will get my trade discount (cash only of course, I don’t want your bills). Their prices are pretty competitive to begin with, and they will ship your order to anywhere in NZ you want. Free coffee whenever you call!
Boat Sails
Two sources.
We have for some time now been recommending RSS Sails, and I personally have rigged several of my own boats with their product. They’ve done a lot of research and experimentation into the traditionally shaped lug and spritsails that are, in addition to the more conventional sails, common among my designs.
Their service, product is top notch, and their pricing is very competitive. https://reallysimplesails.com/
Note, in the USA and Canada, their stock size sails are available from Duckworks ( below) and many of our JW boats are designed to use these sails.
In North America, the good folks at www.duckworksbbs.com supply sails at a very good price, I’ve been sailing in one of Chuck Leinwebers boats and can vouch for the sails performance. We have a good relationship with the “ Duckworks” sailmaker and are happy to advise where needed so you will get a good product.
Boat Building Wood Suppliers New Zealand, USA and Australia
Most of our timberyards here in NZ carry pine, pine, and more pine. Nowt else! But if you go to Moxon Timber at this link www.moxontimbers.com you will find a wide range of interesting woods, and they don’t mind you picking through the rack for the piece that suits your job. I deal with Kerry at the Hull Rd Mount Maunganui yard and find him very helpful. While I cant speak for the other branches or the USA head office I’m told that they are all interested in the small users, and in most cases are happy to select for your use and put it on a freight truck heading your way.
I enjoy dealing with these guys, and recommend them.
Cast Bronze or Aluminium fittings
Roger Woodhouse is a nice guy, easy to get along with, does an excellent job and will even advise as to the best way to produce the goods. He’s the proprietor/operator of:
Silverstream Foundry
6 /45 Aviation ave.
Mount Maunganui
New Zealand
Email Silverstream Foundry
Ph (64) 07 576062
Can do one off and small run jobs in aluminum and bronze. Note, there are good books in the library system that will help you make your casting patterns, and if in doubt phone Roger about details such as draw angles (the taper that allows the pattern to be withdrawn from the casting sand without damaging the edges of the mould shape) and such. He can supply the bronze, and will advise the best type and grade.